Monday, July 27, 2009

Praise the Lord

So I went to the Dr again last week and my cervix was longer and back to normal. This is incredible news and Josh and I were just in shock when the Ultrasound tech told us. From everything we have read we know that a cervix can change and have heard of people whose lengths have gone back and forth, we are just praying that it will always go back to being normal. I am still taking it easy since it was requested for me to be on partial bed rest, so I am making sure to still do that in order to hopefully help my cervix in not getting worse.


Anonymous said...

hey! so i'm glad i found you on here... esp. now that i don't have facebook i can keep up with you through here... you know, cause it's just TOO dang far to walk across the driveway to talk to you in person. LOL! ;)

joshbeth said...

Yeah it is a pretty long walk. The only bad thing with my blog is that I am not so good at keeping it updated! =) as you can tell since my last post was 3 weeks ago. Good to see you on here.

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy