Monday, August 24, 2009

10 more weeks!!!

Josh is starting classes again tomorrow. We are both NOT looking forward to this because it has been so nice having my hubby all to myself instead of to the computer during his free time. Only 4 more classes and 10 more weeks and Josh will have a BS in Business and will NEVER have to attend school again unless he gets the urge to go for his Masters. =) I cannot believe that Josh will be finished with school after a little over 3 years of pushing himself by taking extra classes while working full time. I could not be more proud of him! =)

Once Josh is done with his schooling he will hopefully be moving up within the company either locally (doubtful) or in Davenport, Iowa. If we end up moving we will be leaving either this January or in June. A part of me is excited about the opportunity to move but at the same time it will be hard to move away from family especially since we will have a newborn. We know that God will direct us to where we need to be.


Anonymous said... classes. however, only 10 more weeks is great!!! it'll be over before you know it. :) what classes is he taking this time?

joshbeth said...

He is taking two different Management classes. They seem like they are going to be a lot of work so we will see. Only 5 weeks for this class and then he has two more. Only 70 days, not that we are counting down or anything! =)

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy