Tuesday, September 22, 2009

6 weeks left....

YEAH! Only 6 weeks and Josh will be done with school forever, the sad or crappy thing is although he only has 6 weeks he has at least 20 paper left to write between now and then! I am going to be relieved for him to finish so then we can have some time to relax before becoming a family of 5! I have to admit that it is scaring me to think that we are going to have 3 kids pretty soon. Kaden actually made a couple funny comments the other day in reference to us having 3 kids with only the 2 of us (Josh and I)....

(Kaden to Ashton) "When mom has the baby we will never be spanked anymore because dad and mom will be to busy!"
(Ashton back to Kaden) "YEAH!!!! No more spanks."

(Kaden to Ashton) "When mom has the baby there will be 3 of us and only 2 of them, we will get to do whatever we want."
(Ashton back to Kaden) "YES!!"

It was so funny hearing Kaden telling this to Ashton and Ashton was so excited. They were not too happy when I informed them that having another baby meant that we would be strict in order to make sure the baby doesn't get hurt and that they will get spanked when they need it.

Things are going well with the pregnancy besides being tired ALL the time and getting sick again! I am relieved that a lot of my stress's which I had previously has been reduced, which I know is really helping me especially with having such a tough pregnancy! I am finally seeing how simplifying my life is really beneficial to me and my family! Now I can concentrate more on the pregnancy as well as being excited to meet the baby and to FINALLY find out what it is. I am going crazy not knowing, although I am sure it is another boy, which is okay because we at least have a boys name! =)

The boys are doing good although I have been really impatient with them which is not so good. I have been having a hard time with being alone with them at nights, and am really struggling with Josh working nights. It seems like they will be wonderful during the day but turn into difficult children at night. I keep praying that my struggles will go away and that I will have more patience for my children


steve said...

LOL!! Yeah kid logic and conversations are hilarious!! Hang in there. . .

Anonymous said...

oh yeah... i know what you mean. evie's amazing whenever anyone else is around, but with me she LOVES to throw her tantrums. it gets old REALLY fast. i'm sorry you are having a hard time with the pregnancy... but it really will be over before you know it. :)

joshbeth said...

The boys comments are hilarious, I wish I had them on video!! I have always wondered why kids are SOOOO much worse when they are around others. Only 10 more weeks and we should have that baby! WOO HOO

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy