Monday, November 2, 2009

God is testing us again!!!!

Wow so this has been a HUGE year with lots of testing and learning patience as well as learning to continually trust on God. For starters we found out that it is not my gallbladder causing problems, yet we do not know what is causing the pain. My Dr was 99% sure that it was my gallbladder and I am so thankful that I pushed for testing. Now we are back to the beginning of determining what is going on. Luckily I am due soon so that if more testing is necessary it won’t harm the baby and at least with it not being my gallbladder I wont have to have surgery. So we are hoping and praying that it is nothing serious that will maybe be fine once everything is not so squished.

Josh and I are really learning patience with not knowing what is going on with the internship. We are still patiently waiting to know if he has made it to the next phase or if God has something else in mind for us. I know we are more anxious with it getting so close to my due date and that has really stressed us out.

Finally, I took Kaden to the eye Dr today because I have had concerns with his eyes as well as his teacher. Well at first it turned out good and we found out he needs glasses which is hard for me especially since he is so young and he needs them all the time. ANYWAYS with doing the eye exam the Dr saw something she didn't like and she expressed GREAT concern for this. Of course in front of Kaden making him know something is wrong. So I asked her what was going on and she said it appears that he might have Macular Dystrophy which can cause vision problems which could eventually cause him to be legally blind depending on the type and the progression. I of course am freaking out, there are a bunch of kinds of this dystrophy some more severe then the other. It is most likely hereditary and was possibly passed on from Josh or I (most likely me because it is more common from the mother). This also means if this is what it is that Ashton and the baby will have a 50% chance of getting this! We go back in on the 18th for another eye exam as well as seeing another Dr to see his thoughts. If they still believe this is what it is or even not but are still concerned as to what it is, Kaden will have to go to a retina specialist in order to verify exactly what it is. I was hoping Kaden didn't hear much of what the Dr said but I think he did because he asked me to pray for his eyes today! So now we have to patiently wait to see another doctor in order to have a more clear understanding of what is going on. We are trying to not worry and give everything to God because we know there is nothing we can do at this point. It has been so hard to give it all to God though because it seems like it has been one thing on top of another.


Kaci Mae said...

Oh Beth, thanks for sharing honestly with us. My heart hurts for you as a mother having to think about these things...but I am glad you are leaning on God. Remember "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything...pray!" (I have to remind myself of that one A LOT!) I will be praying for your family and all the stuff you have going on. I guess God thinks you can handle a lot right now! Let us know if you need anything. And don't forget that you are going to have a wonderful, precious, perfectly designed baby soon...and only God knows what's down the road for any of us. Love in Christ, Kaci

joshbeth said...

Thanks Kaci, the prayers are appreciated. It has been one of the toughest times in our lives but I need to remember to trust in God and just pray for Kaden and the results that are too come.

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy