Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Josh has officially applied to a couple positions at Gore so now we are waiting and praying. We are also thinking through the idea of Josh switching to 3rd shift (11pm-7am). We know this would be an ideal shift (of course nothing like first but we can't do anything about that) so that Josh can see the boys. I am really struggling with this because I know it would be even harder on our marriage as well as a struggle for me with having completely different schedules. I am praying that something will happen soon.

On a good note Kaden has really seemed to improve in school and it seems as if his glasses are really beneficial to him and that they really are helping him. I had my sister-in-law Kristin test him some since she is a first grade teacher and she believes that he will do fine next year. I am relieved and finally feel like there is nothing wrong with him besides poor eye sight. I still have to wonder if there is something more going on with his eyes and I am continually trying to give it to God. We have decided that next time we need to go to an eye doctor that we will take him to Phoenix to a children's specialist. I think that it is time to get to the bottom of it and determine if there is an underlying issue such as macula dystrophy (which was ruled out last year by a specialist).

Ashton is doing great and excelling in school. He is doing so good that we have decided to put him in Kindergarten next year. Brennan is doing good but is such a handful! He is very active and keeps himself busy all day long.

I am truly enjoying my boys!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well Josh had his interview and he was offered a job...but he turned it down. There was going to be way to much traveling involved. Josh would be gone 50-75% of the time. It would have been a great opportunity going to Europe, Asia, and everywhere else you can think of. We would see Josh less then we see him now. Josh said he didn't want to miss everything with the kids and that he felt that this would not be for him. I am relieved yet sad at the same time. He was told by the company to keep checking the web site and that they have lots of management positions that are coming up closer to summer. So we will see. Josh is currently in the process of applying to Gore (luckily we know some people high up, so that should help) and Purina (although all these will be out of state). We hope that something will show up and that God would really show us where we should be and what Josh should be doing. So for now Josh is busy preparing resumes, and cover letters and I am busy proof reading! =-)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Along with the exciting post of possible changes yesterday come challenges that I feel. I think my biggest struggle is Kaden. I know that it was the best thing ever to hold Kaden back and that getting glasses for him has brought him back to where he should be. I am grateful for that and the fact that the only problem was his glasses. Thank the Lord it was nothing more. I still struggle with his poor eyesight and pray it doesn't get worse but I am grateful that poor eyesight is all it appears to be! =)

I have recently found that EVERYTHING revolves around a child's grade in school (cub scouts, AWANAS, Sunday school, certain sports...everything) This has been hard for me because most of his friends continued on grade wise while we held Kaden back. So now that means his closest friends are a grade ahead of him so they are no longer in any groups anymore. This has been a huge struggle for me and for Kaden. He doesn't understand why his friends who are the same age and some younger are in older classes. It hurts me and I know it hurts him. I don't know how to deal with it or what to say anymore. I am hurting with him. After finally realizing this the other day, it made me realize that this is why I would not mind moving away from Flagstaff, that way Kaden can start over with friends who don't know he was held back. To me it seems like that will be easier for Kaden and for me. I know that this is no reason to move but it is VERY appealing! =)

We are still praying about Josh's job and where it will lead us. Josh has an interview tomorrow at one company and a meeting at his current job so we will see where this leads. Josh is also applying for a couple positions within Gore tomorrow. So it is exciting to see if any of these jobs lead anywhere. We are also going to begin the process of seeing if there is anything in Purina even if it is not in AZ. We are hoping to find something here but we will see where God directs us! =)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Possible changes???

Just as I get frustrated with Josh's job, God shows us that he is here. We have been praying for years about Josh's job for years. God has told us NO several times and has taught us to be patient. We have recently started searching for other companies or other positions within Purina. Just last week I was talking with some people about a newer company which is expanding and was suggested by two people to contact them. I contacted them on Friday and was contacted on Sat for a pre-interview. Josh went in today for the pre-interview and was told that if he was interested that they would find a job for him. They told him about a few positions available but the owner highly suggested a few that he felt would really help Josh in being able to move up within the company. As soon as the pre-interview was done the own scheduled another interview for Wed in order to go over some logistics with the job and discuss the different jobs more as well as seeing what Josh is thinking. It sounds VERY promising but Josh and I are trying to determine if this is what God wants for us.

Today after Josh finished his interview he received information on another job, which he was informed about back in September. So this coming Wed not only does he have an interview for this other job but he also has a meeting for the second job. It is just exciting to see this because we can see God at work. We know that God might say no about both of these jobs but it has helped us just by seeing that God really does care and that he has our best interest at heart. We are excited to see if anything happens out of these meetings/ interviews. If anything we at least know that Josh will get practice in interviewing! =)

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy