Friday, August 21, 2009

Life changes

The past few weeks have been FULL of surprises many of them good, many not, and many which have been extremely painful. Many have helped us in getting closer to God.

This past weekend Kaden started Kindergarten, he is going to the ONLY school which offers a half day program and he loves it. Today he had show-and-tell and of course he brought in his Caterpillar that he caught the other day. He was so excited and was hoping to scare some of the girls. He was bummed that he didn't scare ANY of them! = ) We are so thankful that we were able to get him into this school and really feel that it is the best decision especially with Josh's work schedule. I adore my time with Kaden and he has really helped me getting through some difficult times but giving me a hug or just crying with me. He is such a sensitive little boy but has really helped in showing me his love for me.

Josh has also applied for a job in Flag at Purina as the logistics manager assistant and is hoping that they will choose him although they would have to train him here (instead of Iowa which is where they usually send the trainees). We are not holding our breath on this one. Josh also recently applied for the same position in Davenport, Iowa. This would mean that we would be moving in either Jan or June of this year if he gets the job. We have mixed emotions on this because it would be fun to have the change but at the same time we want to be close to family especially with the new baby. We are just praying that God would direct us to where HE wants us to be and not where we want to be! =)

Ashton just turned 3 on Wednesday! I can't believe that he is already 3, because it seems like just yesterday that I had him! He had a lot of fun on his birthday though and got to spend some special time with just him, daddy, and lady (the dog) at the lake. Then that night we went to Papa and Nana's house to celebrate his birthday. Whenever anyone would tell him "Happy Birthday" he would say with a smile "Happy Birthday to ME." It was so cute and he was so excited, he is actually still singing happy birthday to me. =) This child is definitely like his mama through which is not a good thing and has been really testing Josh and I as parents. It has been a huge struggle especially recently and it always makes me wonder WHY ARE WE HAVING ANOTHER ONE??? Ashton can always put a smile on my face though and has really cheered me up lately with his smiles, funny faces, and teasing. I can count on him to put me in a good mood.

Onto me...Josh and I recently decided I needed to make a change at work and get rid of one of my two jobs. Once making our decision I was shocked to learn that God had laid it on another heart for me to get rid of the opposite job (which ended up happening). This has been REALLY hard on me even causing me to doubt my relationship with God. Luckily though it has really helped me in growing through all the pain and hurt of the situation. I may never understand why this happened but it is helping me to trust in God, knowing that he is in control and that he will help me to get through the hurt and pain.

Baby is still a mystery and will remain so until delivery! =) The pregnancy is going better now, the cramping and contractions have eased except when my emotions have run crazy (which has happened A LOT lately). The cervix is still looking good and heartbeat has remained strong. We are anxious to know what the baby is but are excited for the surprise!!!


Anonymous said...

life sure is full of ups and downs, huh? i'll be praying about the job situations, that the baby stays healthy and for all of your many emotions. ;) love ya!

joshbeth said...

Thanks Heather! I am just trying to think of anything positive that can come out of this such as spending more time with the family! Already I have seen that this has aloud for A LOT more time with the kiddos!

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy