Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Frusterating People

It has been an interesting week. We had a 4D ultrasound on Sat which was fun. We were able to see the baby smile and yawn, it was very cool. The ultrasound tech did take a pix of what the baby is and then made the comment "Don't look at the DVD or CD ROM because it is VERY OBVIOUS as to what this baby is." This was extremely frustrating because I would think it would be more obvious if it is a boy instead of a girl, so I am mad because I didn't want to have any clue as to what this baby is! SOOOOO I finally got over it only to have my in laws bring over a friend today who "believes" she is psychic and can tell the future. The whole family knows we don't believe in this and that we have NO interest in having someone tell us our future.


So ANYWAYS, this lady has the nerve to just walk in and say:
"you are having a boy"
I said what? Excuse me? No one knows except for God and a couple ultrasound techs.
She said, "I can definitely tell that you are having a boy, but don't worry the next one will be a girl"
I told her I was done after this one especially with having such a difficult pregnancy and that if I would have known it would have been such a hard pregnancy that I would have reconsidered getting prego.
Of course she asked what problems I was having...which if I had thought quicker I would have told her if she really is psychic that she should know the problems that I am having, but of course I didn't think that fast.
Well anyways my emotions got the best of me and I know that she and Josh's ENTIRE family knew that I was extremely pissed off with this lady, so the lady as she left said:
"Don't worry you will have a quick and easy labor and delivery, but you need to change your attitude."
That of course pissed me off more. Seriously why can't people, especially when you don't know them just keep their mouths SHUT and why could my in laws NOT stick up for me when they know that I am having a hard time, and they knew that this lady was making it worse.

Josh has 4 weeks left of school and only 10 papers left and he is done for GOOD. Also the boys are going to stay with the in-laws this weekend in order to give Josh and I a well needed break .


Anonymous said...

WHAT?!?! That horrible! I'm so sorry no one stood up to her for you. I can't believe they would even bring her around you. That' Well, I'm still praying for you. And I hope that you and Josh are able to relax with the boys gone this weekend. Enjoy and I'll see you soon!

joshbeth said...

Yeah I was mad, and hurt with the fam! Of course Josh was in the other room but UGGGG! Thanks for the prayers, hopefully it will be a nice weekend. See you soon.

Our Texas trip

Our Texas trip
Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!

The Alamo

The Alamo
Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy