Monday, December 29, 2008
I can't wait for today to be over!!!
Wow today has been crazy! First, Josh and I were in the kitchen and the dogs started fighting, so we hurried to quite them and all the sudden saw tons of blood. Luckily Josh was home because I was a little freaked, well anyways our big dog lady bit of part of Gidgets ear. So of course Josh had to run the dog to the vet! Not fun! Well then the boys were taking a nap and all the sudden I hear Kaden scream. So I went running upstairs and he was crying hysterically. So finally he said he bit his tongue, well I looked and no blood. Finally, he told me he bit the Christmas lights that were on his bed. So I looked and one was broken with no pieces anywhere in sight. Well he swallowed it, but luckily it is so small that nothing can be done, so we didn't have to go to the Dr's or the ER. I was relieved. I can not believe that it is my almost 5 year old who is biting things, you would think that Ashton my 2 year old would be the pain. So now I get to make sure that he poops it out, so this is going to be fun! =(
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Praise the Lord
Well the doctors were getting ready to do Aubrey's second spinal tap, but the doctor decided to recheck the test results form the first test. After looking at them again she realized that the results had been read wrong and that Aubrey doesn't have meningitis. Praise God. She still has a rare blood infection and a rare case of the flu. This is still dangerous for such a small child but she has been on meds since the beginning so things are looking good. She will still be in the hospital for another couple days. Continue praying that she will get over the flu and that the blood infection will be gone. Also pray that there will not be any side effects from any of the medications that Aubrey has been on. We are so thankful that she doesn't have meningitis and that they found out before putting this poor baby through another spinal. Thanks to everyone for all their prayer and love for my niece and family during this time.
Monday, November 10, 2008
God is always in control
Wow these past few weeks have been crazy! So I am still waiting to go in to get more test results to find out why my hands are numb, but at least a lot of things have been ruled out! Then on November 4th my niece Aubrey was born. She is absolutely beautiful and of course made me want a girl! =) Well she was put back into the hospital on November 7th because she had lost so much weight. After she was in there they started testing for many different things not knowing if it was meningitis, blood disease, kidney or liver problems, or a urinary tract infection. It came back that it was a blood infection (disease) that was causing the problems. So all of us were thrilled knowing what was going on and that it could be treated. Well just today we hear that it is a rare form of meningitis that is connected with the blood disease. We are not really sure what this means, except that they are sending her in for another spinal tap, and a CT Scan to check for any brain damage or fluid build-up. They will also be rechecking her hearing as well as doing other tests to check for any damage. We pray that this next spinal will come back clear and that Aubrey will become a healthy little girl.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well finally on Friday I got the news I have been waiting for, and of course the doctor called early in the morning on the First day of hunting season! =) Well she said I have changes on my spine, pause________ but no MS. What a praise, but I do have what is called Syrinx which is a spinal disorder and I was either born with it or got it in an accident. It can also be caused from a tumor but it sounds like that is not the case with me. This can cause some of the numbness, tinglyness, and weird feelings but not all of them! The hands are definitely not from them, so we still have to figure that out! But at this point it doesn't sound too severe. The Syrinx can get bad to where it would require surgery but it doesn't sound like it is going that way either. So I am just so excited that the news was way better then expected! So that started my weekend off with a bang! (literally)
On Saturday night my hunting buddy Lena got herself a big elk, which was awesome. Of course I was bummed because I didn't get one but I was so excited for her and the fact that she had a kill shot at over 200 yards. She did awesome especially for her first time.
So then I went out hunting more and finally on Monday we went to the same spot that Lena got her elk, and we sat and waited. Well after waiting for about 1 hour, my brother Drew said very quietly "Beth, be quiet grab your gun and turn around" I thought he was joking because it was still early, so I turned around and said "what?" He told me again "Be quiet and turn around." So I did and saw a baby elk and said "No Way" I want a big one. Then Lena and my brother whispered look to your left and there was another Elk. It looked really small because it was down hill and the grass was really tall. I told them I don't want a baby and they said it isn't just shoot it. So I got ready and it started to move, so I told Drew to call it and he did the elk stopped and I shot it. Well after I shot I had it in the scope and it didn't move, not even a flinch. There were 4 other elk and they barely ran away, they were still staring at us! So Drew was telling me reload I think you missed it. So I reloaded looked back in the scope and didn't see the elk. So I looked at the other ones to look for blood and said I missed it and they are not even scared of me should I shoot a different one? Then Lena said "you got it, it stood there for a few seconds took a couple steps forward and just dropped." So we started heading over and I actually got it and it was HUGE it wasn't a baby (thank goodness). I was so excited. I do have pix but I can't find my camera but as soon as I find it I will post some pix!
So the funny part is that 4 years ago I got an elk on October 20th, which was my niece Evi's 1st birthday. When I realized that my hunt was over her b-day again I told everyone I will get it on her b-day just watch. I didn't even realize until I got to my parents that it was on Evi's b-day again, so I thought that was hilarious! At least I will never forget the day that I got my first two elk! =)
On Saturday night my hunting buddy Lena got herself a big elk, which was awesome. Of course I was bummed because I didn't get one but I was so excited for her and the fact that she had a kill shot at over 200 yards. She did awesome especially for her first time.
So then I went out hunting more and finally on Monday we went to the same spot that Lena got her elk, and we sat and waited. Well after waiting for about 1 hour, my brother Drew said very quietly "Beth, be quiet grab your gun and turn around" I thought he was joking because it was still early, so I turned around and said "what?" He told me again "Be quiet and turn around." So I did and saw a baby elk and said "No Way" I want a big one. Then Lena and my brother whispered look to your left and there was another Elk. It looked really small because it was down hill and the grass was really tall. I told them I don't want a baby and they said it isn't just shoot it. So I got ready and it started to move, so I told Drew to call it and he did the elk stopped and I shot it. Well after I shot I had it in the scope and it didn't move, not even a flinch. There were 4 other elk and they barely ran away, they were still staring at us! So Drew was telling me reload I think you missed it. So I reloaded looked back in the scope and didn't see the elk. So I looked at the other ones to look for blood and said I missed it and they are not even scared of me should I shoot a different one? Then Lena said "you got it, it stood there for a few seconds took a couple steps forward and just dropped." So we started heading over and I actually got it and it was HUGE it wasn't a baby (thank goodness). I was so excited. I do have pix but I can't find my camera but as soon as I find it I will post some pix!
So the funny part is that 4 years ago I got an elk on October 20th, which was my niece Evi's 1st birthday. When I realized that my hunt was over her b-day again I told everyone I will get it on her b-day just watch. I didn't even realize until I got to my parents that it was on Evi's b-day again, so I thought that was hilarious! At least I will never forget the day that I got my first two elk! =)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Wait goes on
The worst part is not knowing and waiting to hear news that you probably really don't want to know anyways. I have called the doctors office so much that they probably think I am crazy! I seriously doubt that I get any news today and this waiting is just stressing me out. I am trying hard to give it to God, but it is so hard! I can't get my mind off of it. Hopefully soon we will have answers and be a little bit closer to what is going on! I just need to trust in God! Who knows maybe he is testing me on patience right now! =)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More Waiting
Went in to get my other MRI today! I was only supposed to be in the tube for 25-30 min and ended up being in there for a little over an hour. It was quite scary this time. After about 45-55 min the tech pulled me out and told me not to get up but said they needed to get the dye into my system. He said he needed to get a better look because he SAW something. Then he said don't worry though and said it could just be a mass of fat. Then he goes on saying that the reason it was taking so long on my was the fact that since I am so small, that the fat spots were harder to take out of the MRI pictures because they too were small. So why do I have a large mass? And what is it? So then he puts me into the box for about 10-15 min. It was so nerve recking and I just wanted to cry in there, but I knew that I couldn't move so I just laid there and prayed. Then when I got out I said I know you can't tell me anything but please just let me know from your opinion on what you saw! And of course he said he couldn't tell me anything except for the fact that the spot didn't get any brighter with the dye! So whatever that means! I am definitely a little freaked now and just want to know what he saw! All I know is he saw something that was not normal! I guess we will find out soon enough!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Finally Answers
Well so far the test came back good. There were no signs of anything in the MRI's. They are sending me in for another MRI of the lower spine just to make sure to cover all areas. I feel peace at this point though.
I had my first MRI on Saturday, it was the weirdest and scariest thing ever. I know that I was shaking the entire time, but I did get a great hour of prayer! =) The worst part was in between the two MRI's the technician came out and asked if I was having any other symptoms. Why was she asking me this? Did she see something in the MRI or was there nothing there and she wasn't sure why I was getting an MRI? Those questions racked my mind ALL weekend long. I called the doctor today to get the results and of course I can't get in today and they are wanting me to wait till tomorrow to get my results.
The nervousness of waiting to get results from doctors is so frustrating. I just want the results so that I can have a peace of mind. I am just praying the God will give me a peace and help me to relax today and to trust in him. God helped me to get through the MRI and he can get me through the waiting period.
The scripture that keeps popping in my head is Psalms 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet water, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
It is amazing that this scripture is giving me the comfort that I need in my time of waiting and fear.
The nervousness of waiting to get results from doctors is so frustrating. I just want the results so that I can have a peace of mind. I am just praying the God will give me a peace and help me to relax today and to trust in him. God helped me to get through the MRI and he can get me through the waiting period.
The scripture that keeps popping in my head is Psalms 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet water, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
It is amazing that this scripture is giving me the comfort that I need in my time of waiting and fear.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
October 3, 2008
So I am trying this thing out. I figure I might be able to keep more people up-to-date on what is going on in our lives.
We just took our kiddos on a trip to Texas. It was the longest trip ever and I will never drive that far again with the kids. We were in the car for about 18 hours each way and that was not fun. We had a great time getting away though and were able to spend time with Josh's family on the ranch. The kids were able to chase the goats and sheep and they got to spend some time with their cousins. In all we had a good trip but it is really good to be back home.
We just took our kiddos on a trip to Texas. It was the longest trip ever and I will never drive that far again with the kids. We were in the car for about 18 hours each way and that was not fun. We had a great time getting away though and were able to spend time with Josh's family on the ranch. The kids were able to chase the goats and sheep and they got to spend some time with their cousins. In all we had a good trip but it is really good to be back home.
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Our Texas trip

Scared of the Goats

Chasing the goats and sheep

Catching Kaden on the rope swing

Staying away from the water

Yes this is a deer at the house!
The Alamo

Kaden and Mommy

Ashton and Mommy